Junior Cricket Update
November, 2019
Junior cricket at the club continues to go from strength to strength. Following on from its success in 2018, the club once again signed up to the All Stars programme, an ECB initiative to get 5 to 8 year old's playing cricket.
In 2018, approximately 24 children signed up for the programme. This year, the number was over 30. To encourage the children with their listening and general cricketing skills, the club presented 2 awards. The Most improved player was William Hartley and The Best Listener and Learner Sophia Cox. Congratulations to both children, as well as all the other children who worked so hard during the sessions.
There was also upwards of 30 eight to eleven year olds, which allowed the club to enter 2 teams into the Wetherby junior cricket leagues.
The Under 9’s had a fantastic season, winning 3 games and finishing 3rd out of 8. Over 14 children represented the team and can all feel proud of their efforts.
The Under 9 Individual awards were won as follows:
Batting trophy - Jon Davison
Bowling trophy - Katie Mae Grassam
Fielding trophy - Luke Scholes
Most Improved player - Fraser Perry
A big thank you to Team Manager’s Emma Parr and Zai Ali.
The Under 11’s were all, generally new to ‘hard ball’ cricket and so we made the decision to enter them into a Development league, starting later in the season, giving us chance to coach them in the hard ball game. Sadly, when it came, the season was decimated by rain and whilst they didn’t manage a victory, they came very close and can all hold their heads high.
The U11 individual awards were won as follows:
Batting - Sam Parr
Bowling - Tom Copas
Fielding - Philip Godley
Most Improved Player - Eddie Ashman.
The team’s managers were Pete Davison and Zai Ali. Once again, a big thank you to both.
Whilst we are on the thank you's, we couldn’t manage without our regular coaches and parent helpers. Thanks to you all. If there’s anybody willing or able to assist next year, child numbers are increasing all the time, so your help would be hugely appreciated. I’d also like to thank Jim for his excellent work on the bbq, Johnny for supplying the meat and the many mums who regularly assist in the canteen. All these people make the coaching nights and matches far more sociable and enjoyable.
So, moving forward into 2020, we kick off with indoor coaching for the 7’s and overs from Tuesday 28th January at Wetherby high school. Players, existing and new, will be most welcome.
From there, we will, once again be looking to run the All Stars during the summer months + coaching for the Under 9’s and Under 11’s. In 2020, the plan will be to enter not only an Under 9’s team, but two Under 11’s teams - one to play in the regular U11’s league and the other (containing those new to hard ball cricket) to play in the Under 11’s development league, later in the season.
So, in short, the future of the club looks very healthy. Here’s to an enjoyable and successful 2020!